Monday, January 26, 2009

Celeb Resolutions

We are approaching the end of the first month of the New Year…do you know where your New Year’s resolution is? Hopefully it’s not been thrown out the window yet, but if it has…don’t despair! You’re in good company. Only about 8% of New Year’s resolutions actually succeed.
Despite the less than optimistic success rate, celebrities are resolving along with the rest of us. Check out what some of your fave stars told Us Weekly they are working on for 2009:
"Probably just to continue last year, which was to get in shape and stop eating sweets. I think I'm going to continue that because I broke it a little bit."
"To stop eating pizza every day. I think my wife [Heidi Montag's] resolution will make that happen. She says she's going to cook."
"I have always had the same New Year resolutions: to stop smoking, to start wearing a bra and to stop shopping."
"I would like to stop worrying so much because I worry all the time. And to learn how to be happier, just in general. And to stop biting my nails!" EVA LONGORIA PARKER "To give up meat."
"It's always the same: to work out more and eat healthier. I'm trying to go organic, eat more raw."
"All my focus is on my son. Every day, being a better mom and learning with him. It's an incredible experience."
"To have more fun! I was just with Jenny McCarthy not too long ago, and she said, 'Carmen, life is supposed to be fun.' And I remembered that, it stayed in my head. And that is my goal." JAMIE FOXX:
"I'm looking for the right woman. I need a magnifying glass! I'm trying to find that rare jewel." STEPHANIE PRATT:
"I'm making my boyfriend quit smoking. I'm lazy -- that's all I'm doing!"
"To have a healthy baby. Last year, my New Year's resolution was to run the L.A. Marathon, and I got up to 18 miles in my training and I got injured so you know what, I'm putting it on the list for next year."
"My resolution is to be as nice as possible to the press." JENNIFER MORRISON: "To learn Spanish faster. I started doing the Rosetta Stone program a year ago. I'm getting there, but I want to get a little more focused."
"To be happier! I'm a pretty happy person, but I try to be as happy as I can."
"It seems to be to stop smoking every year. We'll see how it goes this time."
"To eat more carbs!"
DAVID ARCHULETA: "I would like to learn more about the music and business that I have gotten into. I would like to get more involved in the writing side of music, and also I’m learning more things about performing and meeting a lot of new people that I can learn from."

We want to know...did YOU set a resolution this year? If so, are you still on the resolution bandwagon?

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